tirsdag den 2. februar 2016

Being a breeder......

....... some times sucks

At være opdrætter er ikke nemt….. :(

Vi har altid stået inde for vores opdræt, vores valg, og har fra start valgt at stå frem og være ærlige og åbne… Det gør vi også nu…!

Jeg var hos dyrlægen med Movies vidunder hvalpe onsdag d. 20. januar til check og vaccinationer so 8 uger .... Dyrlægen roser hvalpene, men da han skal sundheds tjekke Wauw, spørg han ind til om alle skal sælges til agility hjem, og hvor de skal flytte hen.. Jeg stoler på min dyrlæge, og han kender mine hunde., og ved hvad jeg laver med dem, og hvad jeg opdrætter for..

Dyrlægen synes at Wauws hjerte bankede meget hurtigt ......

Wauw var planlagt at skulle flytte til udlandet, til et agility hjem.. Dyrlægen synes så at hun bør tjekkes igen inden hun flytter ... Så jeg ringede på vejen hjem til den næste dyrlægen, og fik at vide jeg skulle ringe næste morgen, hvilket jeg gjorde ... først fik jeg et nej, da han var fuldt booket ... Men så forklarede jeg ham, at den nye ejer kom faktisk senere samme dag, for at se hende, så jeg virkelig ønskede at give hende nogle svar .... Jeg blev heldigvis presset ind til en aftale hos specialisten i Næstved, men jeg vidste ikke hvor lang tid jeg fik, og om han kun ville lytte på hende, eller også scanne ... 
kl. 11 torsdag d. 21. jnuar mødte jeg op med alle hvalpene, da Sum og Nish (New)’s nye ejere var ankommet fra lufthavnen, og ville passe på de andre hvalpe i mens Wauw blev undersøgt..
Jeg er meget taknemmelig for at de ville blive hos mig, så jeg ikke var alene når jeg fik ”en diagnose” og måske også en dom….. 

Specialisten startede med at lytte, og sagde hurtigt at hun havde en hjertefejl, men kunne ikke sige mere før han havde scannet hende, og han sagde heldigvis at han ville gøre dette med det samme!

Vi snakkede lidt om hvad han troede det var, og jeg spurgte direkte ind til om diagnosen kunne betyde en aflivning, han gav et kort svar ”ja”, og jeg var grædefærdig… Nu skulle hun scannes, og hun skulle ligge på siden, vågen. En sygeplejerske holdt hendes bagben, og jeg skulle styre hendes front og hoved….. Jeg havde en idé i mit hoved at scanningen var hurtigt overstået, da jeg vidste at dyrlægen havde travlt, og hun skulle være vågen i mens…. Men det viste sig at være helt forkert…. 
Wauw havde i starten lidt svært ved at ligge stille længe af gangen, og da han skulle scanne i mellem ribbenene, hvor der er begrænset med plads, var det vigtigt hun lå helt stille!
Jeg lagde mig ind over bordet, og lagde hovedet ned til hendes, så kiggede hun mig dybt ind i øjnene, og fokuserede på mig, og faldt så til ro! At se ind i hendes store sorte øjne, en hel time, og ikke kende udfaldet af scanningen var utrolig hårdt!!!

1 time efter (!) kom dommen, hun har en hjerte fejl kaldet PDA.

 En som hun ikke kan leve med, men specialisten nævnte at hvis dette var den eneste defekt, kunne hun få en operation som ville redde hendes liv. Der er altid risici ved operationer, og i sær når det angår hjerte og kredsløb, og vi skulle vide at det var dyrt.. 

Men når man kigger ind i disse øjne.....hvad betyder penge...!

Kort fortalt om sygdommen: Når hvalpen er inde i maven trækker moren vejret for dem, dvs at blodet ikke bliver transporteret til lungerne, men det strømmer igennem en anden bloåre som kører fra det ene kammer til det andet, og uden om lungerne. Men når hvalpen (eller en baby) bliver født, og hvalpen trækker vejret selv, så lukkes dette hul/blodåre, og blodet vil nu blive ført ud til lungerne. Dette hul er ikke blevet lukket af sig selv hos Wauw. Så hendes hjerte er på overarbejde hele tiden, og pumper rundt over det hele.

Hjerte fejl "generelt" kan være genetisk disponeret, men de kan ikke helt finde ud af hvordan og i hvilke .... Og de siger også, at der ikke er nogen grund til at stoppe avl på mor eller far, heller ej søskende til den syge hvalp, men de siger ikke at avle på den syge, og anbefale ikke at gentage parringen/ kombinationen .....

Det er den 2. mest almindelige hjerte fejl i hunde, og også "normal" med menneskelige babyer .... Jeg har læst mig til at 7/1000 hvalpe vil få denne diagose.. Det kan dog også have en sammenhæng med ”for tidligt fødte” og underudviklet hjerte muskulatur…

"The most common congenital heart disease of the dog is a patent ductus arteriosus, or a PDA. In dogs, the condition is relatively common and some breeds are more likely to be affected than others."

"In humans, PDA is common in premature infants with hypoxia associated with respiratory distress syndrome or immature DA structure and responsiveness"

Heldigvis har vi stadig en glad hvalp, og vi håber at kunne lave en operation på hende, så snart dyrlægerne siger god for det ...

For nu er det "bare" at håbe hun vil klare det indtil operation, og at de ikke finder noget nyt/mere ved en kontrol scanning. Der er stor succes rate ved operation, så vi håber…!

Vi talte med specialisten som scannede hende d. 21. januar, og han sagde, at han gerne vil scanne hende igen om 16 uger, så hun er ældre og større, og giver bedre billeder for at være mere sikker på det er det eneste, og hvis det er, sagde han at det kan afhjælpes, og hun vil have en normalt liv, hvis operationen går godt .... Og vi behøvede ikke megen tid til at tænke, hvis hun er clearet skal hun opereres !!!! (så nu jeg begynder at finde penge;)) tilsyneladende det er ikke billigt ..

Jeg har brugt mange timer på at læse internettet tyndt, og søgt efter specialister i Danmark, da jeg gerne vil undersøge mine muligheder, og måske få en "second opinion".

Heldigvis har jeg en fantastisk veninde, som kunne sætte mig i direkte kontakt med en kirurg på KU-life, og jeg fik en tid onsdag d. 27. januar, til en second opinion og ny scanning, og vi skal snakke om mulighederne….

I mellem tiden forsøgte vi at behandle Wauw som en normal hvalp, og socialisere som var hun helt rask og havde en lys fremtid foran sig !

Onsdag d. 27. janaur viste det sig at være godt jeg stolede på min mave fornemmelse !

Jeanett var sød at tage med mig, så jeg ikke skulle stå alene med det..... Vi startede med en lille undersøgelse, og nogle spørgsmål af kirurgen, og efterfølgende en scanning. Hun blev scannet af 2 forskellige, blandt andet Jørgen Kock, som betragtes at være den bedste i Danmark.
Endnu en gang opførte Wauw sig meget eksemplarisk, og fik meget ros af alle dyrlægerne! Diagnosen blev bekræftet, og nu ledte de efter andre mulige defekter i hjertet, og hvor omfattende det var.
Selv for det utrænede øje var det tydeligt at se at Wauws hjerte pumpede på overarbejde, og at det allerede var vokset.

Dyrlægernes udmelding: var vi ventet til 16 uger var det katastrofalt ! 

Wauw blev clearet for andre hjerte defekter !

Men hun har brug for en operation hurtigst muligt! Wauw skulle opereres ugen efter.
Det vil sige, i morgen onsdag d. 3. februar 2016...
Her vil hun møde hendes skæbne.....

Jeg håber alle vil krydse jeres fingre for vores smukke fantastiske lille hundehvalp i morgen!!

Her kommer nogle spørgsmål og nogle svar; som er sendt til den udenlandske hvalpekøber: (på engelsk)
1. with PDA there are lots of symptoms like coughing, tiredness, sleeping more, quieter/weaker, stunted growth. The only symptom Wow has is the different heartbeat - so does this mean the PDA is not as bad in her case as it is in some other dogs, eg the hole is smaller rather than bigger?
No the whole is quite big frown-humørikon And she need surgery quick.... The heart has already grown, because it has compensating by growing, thats why she hasn't shown other signs, but they were suprised over that...
Normally when there come a pressure over 1,5 in the heart they need treatment (surgery in case of PDA), and hers is right under 1,5-1,5 now, so thats why we need quick treatment... And why it would have been traumatic if we had waited until 16 weeks!!
2. How will we know the operation is a success? Will her heartbeat become a 'normal' heartbeat, rather than a fast one?
She will be operated wednesday, don't know what time yet, he will call before and after.. and they will keep her to next day, when they will do a scann to see if the blood flow stopped.... already then the heart rate should seem normal, and maybe the heart already started to shrink back to normal..
The succes is that she survives and the whole is closed.
3. Which type of surgery do they perform?
They can only make "open chest", because for the other one they need to be min. 3 kg, and she is 2. kh now, and we can't wait, because she can be very old before this..
It is a big risk doing this kind og surgery.... also of cause its in the heart.. But the risk is that they have to loosen the "artery" (that should be closed of) from the other tissue around the heart and the heart it selves, and then it depends on the tissue and thickness or the walls in the artery who should loosen and closed of.... The risk is if something brakes, and it starts bleeding... both that she can bleed to death, but if it starts bleeding, because its to "soft", he can't continue, and has to close up... Then they maybe can try a new operation another day, but it is a totally "new" operation, with also new expensive... (double payment).....
So for now we have to pray she survives the operation......
He has made about 35 operations, and have never lost a dog, but close 3 times, because of loosing blood..
Therefor he asked what I was willing to pay, I asked what he meant.. Because if she needs blood, they have to take a blood sample to test what blood she need, he asked if I wanted this before operation, so they didn't need to wait for that in the operation if needed, I said yes of cause I want blood ready if she needs it, and then he asked f they should give he all blood she needed, and I said yes again, but that cost 5.000 danish crones also.... BUT as I said to them, I don't want to pay a lot of money for an operation, so she can died from blood loss after......
Here is also some good news.... He thinks depends on surgery, and if everything is good, she will have a check up scann about 2-3 weeks after operation, and depends on that one, if all is normal, then she should have another scann after 6 months... Then I think he could see me counting in my head, because I then thought "ohh my, she is 10 weeks next week, and if she can earliest go 6 month from that???"... But if she should move away, this is not impossible to do "quick" after surgery.....
5. After the operation, what would the planned next steps be? Would she need cage rest, and for how long? Would she be able to be carried places, so she can still see the world?
He has a technique were he doesen't need to cut of muscles, but he is opening all under one of the front legs, but if it needs to cut muscles, she kan limp a few days after surgery... And should be keept calm to about 8 days after surgery, but not necessarily cage rest! (Poke will move saturday), so after that it will be easy to keep calm, i think the first days they will have a problem by hearing each other, but can't play... And then after the 8 days, she should be normal puppy!
7. What are the advantages/disadvantages of doing the operation at 16 weeks instead of 10 or 12 weeks? Does the operation have greater chance of success at 16 weeks? Are any further side effects of PDA likely to start showing before she has the operation?
She needs the operation next week, because there is so much extra pressure on the heart, that it can be to much, if she don't get it, she will probably not get that old..... frown-humørikon They say it had't looked good by 16 weeks, if she didn't already has sleeping in.... so... VERY happy I trusted my stomach!!!
8. What is the likelihood after the operation, for an active life? How long before she is fully recovered and can be a 'normal' puppy?
No matter how I put the questions, he said to me everytime, "because you ask so directly, I don't dare to answer"... He didn't want to promise anything, or say anything.. Bacause all is "guesses". he can say what "should" happen, but he can't promise that it will be like this... She should be "healthy" after surgery, heart should get back to normal size, she should be all able to run agility and be normal dog after...
Depends on how much he can stretch the tissue to close the whole, there can still be a small whole letting a little blood come through, but this should never be a problem, not either for her life as an active dog....

9. Would the operation fix her 'for life' or is she likely to need medication for her heart as she gets older?
The surgeon couln't answer this for sure, but he thinks that if she had needed any medicine, the cardiologists had given her some already now until surgery.... So he didn't either expect her to get any after... If she needs any, it would only be for a periode.... And it should not give her shorter life either....

I also talked with the cardiologists about genetic, and they all said NO, and if it was, there would be more cases in close lines!
I have read a study about this disease in poodles, and they found a chance of gentic with PDA when the artery who isn't closed by it self was underunderdeveloped and smaller than with normal dogs. But this is not the case with Wauw, the cardiologists said that it was a "normal" case, and all was "normal" just not closed....

To inform you Dee was mated to a sweedish female last year, the female had a brother with PDA who was put to sleep, and she had 3 healthy puppies with Dee...
Siblings to Wauw will also get a scann, just to be sure, and even though the 
cardiologists said it was waste of money, I will also make a scann of Movie, just to be sure and to "justify" the litter.....

lørdag den 17. oktober 2015

VM / WC 2015

Så vi endelig landet efter vores tur til Italien, som i år var et lidt andet VM, end tidligere.
Læs videre for at få den fulde sandhed ;)
Jeg har siden 2012, deltaget med både Primadonna og Cider på landsholdet, og begge har været udtaget til både individuelt og hold. Da Primadonna blev syg i starten af året, tøvede jeg ikke med at trække hende, og selvom jeg er glad for vi har kunnet starte stille op, og ikke stresse over udtagelser, så var det en mærkelig følelse ikke at skulle have den blå med, da hun de foregående år, har vist at kunne være med der hvor det var rigtig sjovt!

Cider har rykket enormt i år, måske fordi der også har været mere trænings fokus på hende når det handlede om agility. Hun har sat fart, blevet teknisk ekstrem dygtig, og løbefelterne har igen i år gået super, og været sikkerheden selv det meste af året, så det var stadig rigtig spændende at skulle til vm med hende i år, da mine forventninger nok var skruet lidt højere op, som tiden gik i løbet af året, og jeg fulgte hendes udvikling….

Dog har jeg (igen) bøvlet med lidt ”små skader”, så træningen er ikke blevet til så meget i slutningen af sæsonen. Udover det havde Cider gået med lidt opspændt lænd omkring NM, og det viste sig at der var en løbetid på vej. Jeg var glad for det blev ved inden VM, så jeg ikke blev tvunget til at skulle løbe sidst! Det endte jeg dog alligevel med at tage tilbage.. :/ Da vi også overtog Numbers datter Remix for en periode, var det med at prioritere tiden korrekt, derefter kom Movie og Prima i løbetid, så der var også noget planlægning parring/ikke parringer, hvordan? Dyrlæger, tests? Rejse til udlandet? Osv? Og samtidig 3 helt tossede hanhunde, som var ved at gå ud af deres gode skind af frustration af 3 løbske tæver i træk L Så optakten kunne have været bedre, meeen, Cider kunne de ting hun kunne, og jeg stolede på vores grundtræningJ

Søndag d. 4. oktober kørte Dennis og jeg mod Jylland, da vi skulle kører sammen med Allan, Susanne og lille Alexander.. Allan og Susanne havde forsøgt at forberede os på at de ikke vidste hvordan Alexander ville reagere på den lange tur, men det skulle vise sig at være mig som var problemet…. Køresyg stort set fra start til stop L Dog var alle søde og tog meget hensyn til mig hele vejen, og jeg følte mig som en prinsesse, en syg en af slagsen, men de behandlede mig fantastisk trods min lidt korte lunte og hyppige trang til mad og toiletbesøg ;)

Alexander viste sigt næsten at være den nemmeste på turen, og charmerede sig ind på os alle med sine grin og latter J Cider var/er så nem så nem, og sov hele vejen…! Det viste sig dog at der var en grund til hun var så god til det med at sove…. For det fortsatte stort set hele ugen L

Efter 1. spring hold løb, havde jeg en mærkelig fornemmelse… Jeg kunne ikke rigtig tænde hende op inden, og hun løb heller ikke til på banen?  Hendes tid viste sig at være okay, sammenlignet med resten af verden, Efter agility hold løbet, hvor hun værgede vippen, og stadig ikke løb igennem, var jeg mere bange for en skade…. Nu kunne Dennis også se at hun ikke var så aggressiv og eksplosiv på banen som hun plejede, og vi undrede os meget… Så talte vi frem, 3 uger siden løbetid.. Falsk drægtig??? Hun var træt, sov meget, virkede uoplagt, og søgte meget efter mad.. Min veninde fra Finland som er dyrlæge kiggede så på hende… Ingen skade, umiddelbart ingen underlivs betændelse, men helt sikker falsk drægtig, hun havde endda mælk i brysterne L Øv øv øv, totalt dårlig timing…

Jeg havde super hold kammerater som gjorde et fantastiske arbejde, og med fejlfrie løb, selv leverede vi 2 løb med 5 fejl i hver. 1 med nedrivning af hjulet, og en med opgangsfejl på vippen...
Holdet endte som nr. 8, men med en samlet tid bedre end nr. 1, såå tæt på ;)

Lørdag var det individuel spring løb-...
Banen var ikke lige vores styrker., men vi kæmpede os igennem og var fejlfrie, dog en masse steder vi kunne have forbedret :( så jeg var meget overrasket over at lande på en 8. plads efter dette løb!

Søndag var det individuelle agiliy løb..
Vi havde noget tid at indhente, så der var kun en vej her! Så fik vi banen... Hmm, jeg synes ellers ikke der er så meget Cider og jeg ikke kan, meen, endnu engang formåede dommeren at udfordre os på vores svagheder.. Dette VM har virkelig gjort mig klar over jeg har nogle huller i min træning.. Mange ting hvor jeg har taget lidt for "nemt" på det, og ikke udfordret os nok i løsninger på kombinationer hvor vi har kunne optimere vores fart til 100% og kunne ligge max press med 100% sikkerhed.. Ting hvor jeg tænkte, det kan Prima, hvorfor kan Cider ikke....
Jeg kom frem til at det fordi Cider er så sød... ALT for sød ved mig...

Tvivler jeg eller er bag ud, så venter Cider på mig og spørger, Prima tonser bare af sted og tager det første og det bedste.. Derfor har jeg været nødt til at træne Prima i korrektioner i meget høj hastighed, selvstændige slalom indgange, forskel på uden om/kom i mellem men på afstand, kommando/forhindrings diskriminering på afstand osv.. Hvor jeg har taget for nemt på det med Cider, da jeg altid har kunne nå det, ellers satte Cider bare farten ned så jeg kunne. Men her hvor vi skulle vinde hver hundrededel vi kunne kom, vi til korte på alle disse ting, og kunne jo ikke "bare tage det i det tempo der passede på det fejlfrie løb". Så jeg skulle udtænke løsninger som gav det hurtigste MEN fejlfrie løb.. For vi lå stadig på en god placering efter spring løbet, og der var stadig 7 andre foran mig som skulle  fejlfrit igennem, og i bedre tider!
VM er en fed konkurrence, for det handler ikke kun om at være hurtigst, det handler også om at få de to fejlfrie løb som tæller til det samlede resultat, så ja man kan give den fuld gas og tænke "går den så går den", men det går ikke hvis man ender i disk eller fejl ;) Så det handler om en god balance mellem fart og teknik :)

Jeg havde nogle nøgle punkter jeg skulle være for at ting kunne lykkes..
På rette side af slalom, komme forbi tunnel udgangen inden a'et, og være 1 m foran nedgangsfeltet på balancen, for at hun ville få sit felt, og komme over korrekt spring...
De første ting lykkes, men jeg kom ikke afsted på springet før balancen.... :( Jeg er ikke lige frem i min bedste form lige nu, så at nå foran Cider med RC på balancen, når vi starter samtidig, er temmelig umuligt.....
Selvom jeg har haft svært ved at acceptere dette min form til et VM ikke var i top, så var der ikke så meget at gøre ved det :)

Da jeg når opgangen af balancen, og mærker hun er ved at overhale mig, må jeg tage en hurtig beslutning.. Hvis jeg ikke nåede min. 1 m foran feltet, kunne der ske 1 af 3 ting....
1, hun løber i tunnellen.
2, hun løber skråt af og søger tunnellen og tager ikke feltet.
3, hun søger tunnellen og løber mellem tunnel og spring....
Ingen af de senarier gav det "fejlfrie løb". Jeg tænkte jeg vlle forsøge at sige felt, (som var hendes stopfelts kommando, dengang hun havde stopfelt for 2 år siden, og kun brugt 1 gang siden, som var i maj måned). Mit håb var at hun tog farten af, så jeg kunne nå foran og luntede af i feltet, og jeg kunne nå at skubbe hende på den rigtige side af springet efter... MEN hun vælger at reagere med det samme, og tydeligvis må blive forvirret, da hun stopper midt på nedgangen, hvor hun normalt skal have forben i græsset ved felt kommando. Jeg ved derefter ikke hvad hun så vil, springer hun så derfra? Men hun er sød (som hun plejer), og går ned i feltet, og vi kan fortsætte... hendes vippe var også en smule langsom, og vi mister tid begge steder, og derfor ikke i super tid, men vi var fejlfrie...

Det blev ikke til en medalje, til Cider og mig, men til en kanon flot 4. plads kun 0,13 sek til nr. 3!
Er jeg skuffet?? Det kommer lidt an på hvordan jeg ser på det....
Var jeg i bedre form, og troede Cider ikke hun havde 10 babyer i maven, så vi kunne have gjort vores absolut bedste, så havde jeg været ovenud lykkelig for at være så tæt på... MEN nu hvor jeg ved jeg kunne have været bedre, og hurtigere, hvis jeg ikke havde været så tung i rø... ;) Og Cider som manglede de sidste 10% som hun ellers havde fået ekstra i løbet af året.. Så kunne det havde været rigtig sjovt ;)
Mange siger "I tager dem bare næste år", jaa, jeg tror faktisk de har ret, det kunne vi nok have gjort...hvis vi kunne gå i trænings lejr nu, og forbedrede os til næste år.. Men denne vinter kommer nok til at bestå mest af selvstændigheds-træning ;)
Næste år håber vi måske at kunne heppe på en i stor klasse i stedet, og så holder de små måske en pause fra de rød hvide farver :)

Inderst inde er jeg hunde stolt over min 4. plads, over igen at kunne være med i toppen til et VM, og denne gang også med et lille "handikap" :)

Tusinde tak Cider for at gøre dit bedste, også selvom du ikke havde det nemt! Jeg ved hvordan du har det :)
Og nu vil vi gå på barsel ;)

Tusinde tak til Allan, Susanne og Dennis for at have hjulpet mig igennem denne uge!
Og tusinde tak til verdens bedste supportere som heppede hjemmefra!!


So we finally landed after our trip to Italy, which this year was a little different VM, than before.
Read on to get the full truth ;)

I have since 2012, participated in both Primadonna and Cider in the national team, and both have been selected for both individual and team. When Primadonna got ill at the beginning of the year, I did not hesitate to pull her of the team selections, and although I'm glad we were able to start the run, and not stress over getting points, so it was a strange feeling not having to have the blue one with me, when she previous years, has been shown to be in there when it was really fun!

Cider has developed enormously this year, perhaps because there has also been more training focused on her when it was all about agility. She has accelerated, been technically extremely proficient, so it was still really exciting to the world cup with her this year, since my expectations was probably crank higher, as time went on during the year, and I followed her development ....

Sunday. October 4 drove Dennis and I to Jylland when we were running together with Allan, Susanne and little Alexander .. Allan and Sue had tried to prepare us, that they did not know how Alexander would react to the long trip, but it turned out to be me that was the problem .... Carsick virtually from start to stop :)( All was all sweet and took good care of me all the way, and I felt like a princess, a sick one, but they treated me great despite my short temper and food cravings and using the toilet a lot ;)

Alexander showed almost to be the easiest on the tour, and charmed away at us all with his laughter and laughter :) Cider was/is so easy, and slept all the way ...! It turned out that there was a reason she was so good at it sleeping .... For the continued virtually all week :/

After first jumping team run, I had a strange feeling ... I could not really get her exited before, and she ran not full speed? :( Her time turned out to be okay, compared to the rest of the world...
In agility team run, where she got a upcontact mistake on the seesaw, and still not run normally speed, I was more afraid of an injury .... Now Dennis could also see that she was not as aggressive and explosive on the course as usual and we wondered much ... So we counted, three weeks since heat.. False pregnancy ??? She was tired, slept much, and seeked much after food .. My friend from Finland who is veterinarian looked at her ... No 
injury , no immediate abdominal inflammation, but quite sure false pregnant, she had even milk in the breasts :( bad timing ...

I had super team mates who did amazing work, and with clean race, when we delivered two races with 5 faults in each.
The team ended as no. 8, but with a total time better than no. 1, close to real fun ;)

Saturday was the individual jumping run ...
The course was not just our strengths. But we fighted through and was clean, however, but a lot of places we could have improved :( so I was very surprised to end up in 8th place after this race!

Sunday was the individual agility run ..
We had some time to catch up, so there was only one way to go! Then we got the course design... Hmm, i don't think there is so much Cider and I can not do, but, once again the judge managed to challenge us on our weaknesses .. This championshipd has really made me realize I have some holes in my training... Many things which I have taken a little too "easy", and not strained enough in solutions of combinations where we could maximize our speed to 100% and could put max press with 100% certainty and clean runs .. things where I thought Prima can do, why can't Cider ....
I came to the conclusion that. Cider is to sweet ... WAY too nice to me ...

If I doubt, or is to slow and behind, then Cider waits and asks, Prima just go and take the first and the best .. why I have had to train Prima in corrections in very high speed, independent slalom entries , difference on out/came in between, but at a distance, command/obstacle discrimination in the distance, etc .. Where I've been too easy on it with Cider, as I always have been able to reach it, otherwise put Cider just slow down as I could. But here where we should win every hundredth we could, we are short on all these things, and could not "just take it at the pace that suited the clean run." So I had to think the solutions that gave the fastest BUT clean run .. For we were still in a good place after jumping run, and there were still seven others before me that should also be clean, and in better times!
WC is a great competition, it is not only about being fastest, it's also about getting the two clean runs that count for the overall result, then yes you can give it full gas and think "goes as it goes" but it will not go if you end up in the disk or faults ;) So it's a good balance between speed and technique :)

I had a few key points I should be for to succeed ..
Be on the right side of the slalom, get past the tunnel exit before the Aframe, and 1 meter in front of contact on the DW, so she would get the contact and get the correct jump after...
The first thing succeed, but I did not get off on the jump before the DW.... :( I'm not exactly in my best shape right now, so to get in front Cider with RC on the DWcontact , when we start at the same time, it is pretty much impossible .....  Although I have found it difficult to accept that my shape for a WC wasn't in the top, so there was not much to do about it :)

When I reach the entry of the DW and she gets in front of me, I must make a quick decision .. If I did not reach my. 1 m in front of the contact, it could happen one of three things ....
1, she runs into the tunnel.
2, she runs off before the contact, into the tunnel.
3, she seeks the tunnel and runs between the tunnel and jump ....
None of the scenarios gave the "clean run." I thought I coulnld try to say contact (which was her stopcontact command, and only used one time since 2years old,). My hope was that she took the pace of so I could reach in front and ambled to help after, and I could manage to push her on the right side of the jump after ... BUT she chooses to respond immediately and clearly must be confused because she stopped already at the apex, where she normally must have front legs in the gras.... I then didn't know how she would reach. she looked like she liked to just jump from there? But she's sweet, and goes down in the cotact and we can continue ... Her seesaw was also a bit slow and we lose both places, and therefore not super time, but we were clear.. ..

It was not a medal for Cider and me this year, but a fantastic nice 4th place only 0.13 seconds to no. 3!
Am I disappointed ?? Well, that depends on how I look at it .... :)
If I was in better shape, and Cider didn't thought she had 10 babies in the stomach, so that we could have done our best, and runned like we did all season, then I would have been deliriously happy to be so close  and getting a 4. place... BUT now that I know I could have been better and faster, if I had not been so heavy in a ...;) and Cider missing the last 10% which she had been gain extra during this year .. So it could have been really fun this year ;)

Many say "You just take them next year," Yes, I actually think they are right, we could probably have done that ... if we could go in training camp now, and improved us for next year .. But this winter will properbly be more about independence training ;)
Next year we hope maybe to cheer on a large dog instead, and then the small maybe keep a break from the red and white colors :)

Deep down, I am so really proud of my fourth place!! Once again to be able to be in the top of a World Championship, and this time also with a small "handicap" :)

Thank you Cider for you always trying to do your best, even if you did not have it easy! I know how you feel :)
And now we will go on maternity leave;)

Thank you to Allan, Susanne and Dennis for helping me through this week!
And many thanks to world's best supporters who cheered home !!

søndag den 9. august 2015

Jutlandia cup 2015

This years week competition was very exiting for me, but also a bit sad.......
At jutlandia each person could only run 5 runs per day, a bit irritating when you have more than 1 dog, because you have to choose between your dogs, who should run what ??

I actually then thought of going to Norway, because then I could run all girls max. runs per day!
And when Movie could get her debut, it was important for me to actually run with her :) BUT I looove running the 2 other dogs, so I hate that I have to choose... But the I saw that Movie couldn't compete the first 2 days in Norway, because she was to young, and then it didn't matter...
Prima was sick earlier this year and have had a easy start in her comeback... So I took the dicison that Prima only should run the qualification runs to final, and Cider 1 class and the qualifcation run, and then Movie the 2 class runs per day...

I had some great runs that week, great courses, good legs, good dogs!!
Ciders results whole week:

Primas results whole week:

VERY PROUD to say that Prima and Cider won the qualification (åben) runs all week !

Movie had many great sequences, a lot of weave mistakes, and in the end of the week I started to not only fix the weaves, but then take the sequense, to get her to understad she had to take the weave in high speed! (Because it's no problem in training, she has to try harder in competition also!)
She got more and more confident all week, and put up the speed, so that was fun to try to keep up ;)
I really enjoy running wth her, can't wait to get to know her better! She for sure is very much like her mom, she really likes running.....
 I HAVE TO learn her to turn a bit more tight, and not only run fast ;) This will be an exiting journey!
Her the first agility pictures of my Moviestar <3 br="">

Here my girlies agility videos :



Can't belive she already started competition, she was just a little puppy....

And started training just a while ago:

Can't wait for many more years to come :D

onsdag den 22. oktober 2014

Ciders Running contact history

There has been a very long break in my writing, but now we are back on ;)

Just wanted to tell a little about Cider and my adventure
the last 1½-2 years....

Running contact on dogwalk....
In the bottom there are 2 videoes, training and competition...

Cider is my little autist, she is so clever almost to much.... I started training RC from she was young, but didn't really know how, just out her on a low DW, and throw a toy, but because she was jumping, a put a help on, to get her to run under, and therefor hit..... Let me just say we didn't get ready before she started competitions, so I disided to put 2o2o on her at first,JUST until we were done with the RC... BUT because my litle clever black devil was soooo goood, and was beginning to break all records in moving up and become a champion as the yongest, my 2o2o became worse and worse and slower and slower, because we competed with the very fast dogs, I didn't had "time" to get her down in position, which resulted in she didnøt really knew what do to on the contacts in competition...

Looking back I am glad I got the experience on my own, and really saw what it means for a young dog, that the criteria is clear from the beginning!!

Because Cider clearly had no idea at all after only few competitions, and I ruined her contacts totally! :( But because she was still fast and almost everytime got the contact any way, I didn't do that much about it, either than train speed in training....

But after 2 years with always a 3 place (If Primadonna and Dweet got through the course), and clearly to slow contacts for international competitions,  I decided to do something....
I think she deserved more, she was better than that....

So after national championship 2013, then I started for good with RC!
I bought Silvia Trkmans RC DVD,  and started training, borrowed a DW and started up in the garden.....

Am I happy for the results, YES
Has it been easy, NOOOOO

Everyone who say to me: "I will have RC on my next dog", I just think go for it...
BUT I think everyone should be aware that it is not always easy, and can give very many frustrations!
BUT then again, it is fun, and the dog is for sure enjoying themself, but the difficult thing is to not think to much about 1 great sessions, and then 1 really bad afterwards, and then 1 good, and then 2 bad, 3 good, and so on.... I will still say the feeling after a great session can make me fly high for longer, than the bad feeling after a bad session is not that long.... :)

I am lucky to also have a great and fast 2o2o DW with Primadonna (1½ year older than Cider), but her I took the time and train the position also in the beginning of her competition career...
This I am also very happy about, eventhough she still cheat me, and about 5 time per year go before release in competition..
She very rarely jumps them, but I expext that she will stay, and is she don't I will be one step behind my thoughts of handling....
With Cider it is a release that I don't have to think about this, just run.......

My only advise to people is, what ever you do, DO IT 100 % !!
The long way will always in the end be the fastes to succes !!

Have Cider had  100% perfect contacts in competitions, NO
Have it all been living the dream, NO
Have it been with out frustrations, NO

Would I do it all over, HELL YEAH :)

And already started with my puppy Movie, we will start the journey now at almost 10 month old...

Ciders contacts was a test this year (she turned 4 in may), but she will keep RC, she loves it, we gets faults, but she is so happy for this, and she understand what to do, so we will keep on, and hope for more perfect hits in competition!

In training they are almost every time perfect:
They are deep, and they are clear!

This is a fine contact from competition:

I understand that the judges have a very difficult time, judging the running contacts, especially because  50% of Ciders contact in competition is one paw on the contact, and one paw over (that is  enough for no faults, but difficult to see).....
Here is some pictures taking from videos, thats why the bad quality....

Pure judges!!
BUT I will praise them, I have never been given a fault there wasn't there, and even though I could be in doubt after a run, I can see on the video that she actually almost everytime have one paw in, but if I am on the other side of her hit, I can't see it myself...

I have made a statistic over her contacts, so I could get a realistic view over her hit:
My goal for this year was 50 % hit
(for retrain I heard it could take more than a year for getting them to understand the new pattern)
It went so much better than i dare hope for!!!

7/50 missed contacts (14%)
22/50 hit in the contact with one paw (44%)
21/50 perfect hits, 2 paws + in contact (42%)
So I am sooo happy! And hope for a lot more perfect hits next year :)

IF you deside to start training runing contacts, I would really recommend that you get help from someone who knows and have done it before you.....
Sometimes you can have the same thoughts as your "teacher", but if they confirms yout thoughts you will belive it more, and dare go through with it, even thouhg it will take 1-2 sessions before it is perfect again, I feelt on my own, that if it didn't helped right away, I tried something else...
Most of the time you should just be patient, and therefore it was all the money worth going on Silvia Trkmanns online class! She really helped me being patient, and always had a new different approach to the problem, if the first didn't helped, and answered quick, so I could adjust my training already for next training! I could really recommand this !!
I do it again with Movie!

Cider loves this, and we will keep on :)
(at least for one more year ;) )

I have made 2 videoes, some clips from our training, and after the best camera clips from competitions (were you can see the DW contact, come videos was from very bad angles, but I can remember almost all our DW this year anyway :D )



Picturs taken by Helle Lindhold Larsen, Tina Hindsgaul and Sissel Bagge